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Society and the individual

 Society and the individual
Categories: Love words

Society and the individual

If you prepare your table in the same way that you learned from your parents and choose your clothes within the limits that fashion sets for you every year... and you choose your words from the lists of habit, custom and tradition... and you do not know from the language dictionary except the word yes, then I am... In front of these thick curtains that obscure you, I will find it difficult to reveal your true nature as a human being. I see you as just a cylinder. Just a flat mirror that reflects things without adding any of their substance to them. You have nothing new within you. You do not have a soul. A good society is not a collection of zeros, but rather a collection of individuals... and a small amount of individuality is necessary to separate man from the beast... and to separate society from the herd. A million people say yes... always... on every occasion... their opinion is not reliable... because they are no different from a million bricks who respond to the sound by echoing it... it is not in the interest of society, then, for its members to dissolve in it... so they lose their individuality and turn into... Automatic formations of ants...but each individual must maintain a range of freedom around him in which he can breathe...this is a preliminary fact...but to what extent does this individuality have the right to breathe? Does an individual have the right to fill his lungs with air at the expense of millions suffocating around him? ! This leads us to a major problem of thought that hundreds of great minds are working on solving. To what extent does the freedom of the individual go? To what extent does his interest end and the interest of society begins? The individual derives his habits, thinking, and moral standards...and also derives his food. From the society in which he lives.. But it is not just a vessel that contains society.. Rather, it is a furnace in which the social elements are melted and transformed into a new alloy.. He interacts with his circumstances and tries to influence them as they affect him.. And he tries to arrange them in a style and results that pull each other like carts. The train then puts his will in the place of the locomotive and drags it with the effort of his energy on a path extending towards the horizon that he imagines... But social conditions are not static... they also move and have a law that binds them... and a direction toward which they develop... They are like the wind, and the individual must spread his sail, He receives it and pushes with its power towards his goal if he wants to achieve something. He cannot swim alone in the current. The individual and society are two unequal forces. Society is a great force because it is the meeting of the wills of all individuals with the will of history and development. The individual is a small force. A boat rocking on the flood... Columbus discovered America. However, America was on its way to discovery, whether Columbus wanted it or not. Sailboats were crossing the seven seas in a desperate attempt to discover a short trade route to India. Behind this were pressing social interests that made this discovery an inevitable necessity. The appearance of the names Magellan and Gama Vascodi with Columbus at the same time indicates that Columbus alone was not the one who discovered America... but rather the social need that continued to accumulate until it blew into the sail. The Portuguese sailor and his expedition to the new land. The hero is not an individual myth. Rather, he is the meeting of the will of an individual with the will of a society in a successful moment. Just as a bare hand meets a glove. He is a skilled swimmer who rode the waterfall, covering a thousand miles in a second, and appeared before her. As a miracle worker... The truth is that the miracle is not in his hands, nor in his legs... but in the waterfall that he rode... He was King Louis For agriculture... and thousands of slaves and forced laborers. Both sides are a volcano rumbling underground... searching for a gap from which to spew lava... The French Revolution was flying overhead... it was in the books of Rousseau, Montesquieu, de l'Impierre and Diderot... and it was in the conscience of the man in the street... and when the revolution occurred and overthrew the king... and overturned the rule... Republic.. and its leadership was succeeded by Mirabeau and Marauspierre.. He who watched history from afar.. saw these heroic individuals riding the waterfall.. and the waterfall became the one that led them and swept them in its current.. He watched society move.. and the leaders sitting on its flood.. The will of the group is what fills the individual with power when it is focused on him... and it is what gives him the ability to change history. It is like a hand in a glove.. This does not mean that the individual is a quantity that does not increase or decrease in the calculation of events.. History is in ebb and flow.. and not a constantly flowing waterfall.. and in the long period in which the sea water calms down.. and the wind sleeps.. and peace is established.. The individual begins to live... and the horizon expands before him... and is filled with possibilities... and his role increases in planning events that accumulate later to become the basis for development... Society is a big closed box... and the individual is a small hole... but it is a hole through which light enters... and society is in need. Into light and air, because he is not always in a good state, he is not always right. He advances and holds together as he disintegrates... and the free, conscious individual is as he deteriorates... he is the only one who can discover the laws of decay and corruption in his society... and can throw a lifeline at the right time. It is not in the interest of society, then, to dissolve its individuals within itself and turn them into zeros and formations of ants. Rather, it must preserve for each individual a range of freedom in which to breathe. In this way, he gains flexibility, strength, and the ability to survive. He becomes like precious porcelain that cannot be accepted. Fracture.. From a book on love and life by Mustafa Mahmoud
Categories: Love words
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